Benefits of Revision Rhinoplasty

There are times when rhinoplasty surgery doesn't yield the results the patient wanted, in this case a second procedure is needed to correct the problems. Plastic surgeons that do this type of correction procedures are not doing full rhinoplasty but are only revising what had been done on the first procedure, so this is known as revision rhinoplasty. Revision rhinoplasty is used to correct errors, redo an old nose surgery that is losing its shape, and hide scars from the previous operation.

Cosmetic surgeons who do revision rhinoplasty consider several factors before proceeding with the operation. It is important to know these factors so you will have an idea when are the best time for you to seek a revision rhinoplasty. These are the factors that are usually taken into account by surgeons:

1. The current state and look of the nose.

2. Are there scars present from the past surgery and how much scarring is there?

3. The specific problem that needs to be corrected.

4. Can revision rhinoplasty actually correct the problem? There are some problems from previous rhinoplasty procedures that require several surgeries because they are not easily corrected.

5. The patient's mental state. Cosmetic surgeons will try to find out if the patient is looking to have a revision surgery for a valid reason or if they are a possible surgery addict.

There are patients who want to undergo additional surgeries just to be pleased with their looks and surgeons will try to explain to them the importance of controlled and minimal cosmetic surgery.

Once you have understood these factors and take them into consideration then you will know if you indeed need a revision rhinoplasty. You can either go back to the surgeon who did your first nose job for a revision or find a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in revision rhinoplasty.

Revision rhinoplasty surgeons can usually offer great results since they undergo specific training and have experience in correcting rhinoplasty procedures that have gone wrong. Although revision rhinoplasty is becoming more common it is always important for surgeons to determine the patient's motivation for undergoing additional surgeries.

Most revision rhinoplasty procedures are done in the doctor's office and will have a different cost compared to traditional rhinoplasty cost. Major revisions are rare and only applicable if the damage is severe. 17% of all rhinoplasty procedures done in the US are revision rhinoplasty according to US statistics and they are mostly done for simple corrections of minor irregularities and imperfections. A large number of these revisions are done to repair damage or trauma caused by accidents.

Good revision rhinoplasty surgeons can also correct size errors. There are nose jobs that are too small or too big for the patient's face. This kind of error are not usually the doctor's fault, it is just that patients have a hard time knowing what their nose job would look like on their own ace until it’s done.

What's good about revision rhinoplasty is that it gives you a sense of security that even if your first nose job will go wrong or if you don't like its result then you will always have an option to correct the errors and have it done according to your desired look.

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